Contribute by sharing your story
Between March and May 2020, we published more than 165 stories shared with us by citizens from all over the world. This global collection of essays, photo series, videos, and art has evolved into an online archive. For those visiting our website after the first months of the outbreak, we hope that Spread stories, not the virus provides a window, a time machine, into a collectively shared yet differently experienced past.
We consider our project as never-ending. Therefore, we are still open to new contributions. In the stories we publish, people share their personal experiences and reflections of living in cities under Coronavirus. How are your daily life and your (urban) environment(s) affected by the pandemic?
We welcome contributions written in any language. You can share your story by sending us an email (spreadstoriesnotthevirus [at] gmail [dot] com). When you submit, we hope you can include a scenic picture for publication. We aim to share your story as soon as possible.*
*Our team proofreads and revises all contributions before publication. When we review submissions, we aim to stay as close as possible to the story as intended by the author and only edit to improve its readability.